Sunday, November 14, 2010


Hello! Since this is the first entry here I will do a short explanation of what this is about. Subsequent entries will just dive straight into it.

Well, I am able to remember many of my dreams (We all have 5 dreams on average every night, it's just how much we can remember. They may not seem like 5, but that's because they seem to connect seamlessly.. yada yada) and many of them are certainly quite bizarre and interesting. I just thought it'll be fun to pen them down.

Ok, without any further adue, my dream from last night:

I was somewhere overseas - USA? Europe? I don't know. It was a foreign land where English was spoken because I seemed to understand the language.. perhaps Chinese too! Oh yes, there was Chinese. I'm not quite sure where now. But definitely, overseas.

So basically, I was kidnapped. By some secret Russian gang. Ok maybe not a secret Russian gang but there were angmohs with big bodies and they were scary looking. Sounds like a typical russian stereotype isn't it!?

I was kidnapped with some other people I knew.. I can't remember who now. We were walking through a corridor.. then we suddenly decided to escape! I was in the front of the pack and we rounded a corner, and then suddenly one of those big burly men was in front of me. I skidded to a halt, turned around, and realised all my friends had disappeared!

**(this double asterisk symbolizes a break in my dream where I can't remember what happened.. maybe it is the next dream)

I was running. I didn't know where I was going but I was running. I could feel the big strong men running behind me and trying to catch me. Yes, I could feel it. That doesn't make much sense but I could just feel them coming, by my gut instinct I think. So I didn't look back, and just kept running.

I rounded a corner into a relatively crowded street, and like all good runaway spies, I stopped running and quickly fell into a walking pace. This of course lets me blend into the crowd much better as compared to a crazy headless chicken dashing around. I brisk walked to the furthest point possible, resisted the strong urge to turn back.


I was in some multistorey carpark. I hid behind a pillar and I peered down and saw the Mafia-looking guys walking around looking for me. Wait what? They are Mafia now? Mafia = Italians right. So what are Russian gangs called. Hmm.

When they weren't looking I burst off towards some shops. I was looking for a police station! So that I could tell them about my plight. I recall it was quite late, like after midnight. And in my dream world, most police stations operated on office hours or something, and only the main ones stay open.

Or at least that was the logic I operated on as I searched.. I have no idea why the shops were still open if the police stations were closed. So I asked the shopkeepers if they knew where the nearest police stations were, but the first few directed me to the police stations that were closed ><
And at the same time, I was very conscious that the Russian gangs were still hunting for me. So I was trying my best to be inconspicuous.

Finally a nice Chinese shopkeeper gave me directions to a main police station (those that opened 24/7) so I ran in that direction. As i was going up some stairs (?? don't ask me why.. maybe the police station on second floor?) I ran past 2 policemen patrolling (think those noob NSFs who patrol at MRTs now with that grey beret...) and I was probably too panicky to register the fact till i passed them then i was like OMG POLICE!

I did a double take and stopped them, and asked them HELPPP. So I said something like 'help, I was kidnapped, and I escaped, they are coming for me now'

They were pleasantly surprised (like whoopie some excitement) and brought me to their boss who was some lady policeman. oh wow did i just say lady policeman. POLICEWOMAN i mean. I remember the patrolpoliceman said something like 'hoo chief, we got something good for you' because the chief appeared to be going out for a meal or something (Yes i know it's like past midnight ... maybe supper? Aiya dreams don't make sense what) and was abit irritated at being disturbed.

So i repeated my story to the police chief and she was instantly amused and interested. They didn't seem very worried that Russian gangs may swoop in and kill me right there but just wanted to hear the whole story


YUP that's it. Sorry haha no proper ending. That's how dreams are like, no head no tail. If i was some uber famous blogger I would ask my readers to come up with an intro and an ending haha. Oh well. That's it for now goodnight!

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