Wednesday, November 17, 2010

never ending P

I was in some toilet/bathroom/shower area. Those kind of big public ones, communal kind. Maybe it was at a swimming pool? Or maybe it is those in hall, or in an army camp.. or something to that effect.

And I had no clothes with me.

Damn sian can! I always have this kind of stupid dream like my shorts are missing and I'm like covering my privates. But ok la this one wasn't like that, I was in the shower area so I guess walking around naked isn't that big a deal.
But of course I wasn't like parading around proudly like some psycho la! I was like shit where are my clothes.

I wasn't sure what I was doing.. I was trying to get back to my room i think. Hmm, if I had a room maybe I was in a hall? -shrugs. So I saw guys come in and out, and they didn't exactly stare at me.. i mean, naked people in a toilet isn't THAT uncommon. And if you stare you'll seem gay. so. yea.

You know how in a dream, you sometimes feel like a helpless spectator? Like you have no control over the things that are happening? I somehow felt that way! It's like, I just felt the helpless feeling as I was stuck in that bathroom and noone could help me and I couldn't leave because I had no clothes.

One of my NS friends, Edmund came in, and he went to the sink and brushed his teeth or something. I went over and chatted with him and then he left - and horror of horrors - I only realised AFTER he left that I should have asked him for clothes! I mean, surely he would have some clothes or something if he lived in hall too.

Then came a part that is a common recurrence in all my dreams - I went to the toilet cubicle to pee.

But you know how when you need to pee (in real life) and you have pee stuck in you, no matter how much you pee in the dream, THE FEELING NEVER GOES AWAY! Because you still need to pee ma, and peeing in the dream does nothing to relieve the pee in your real body.

You know how shit annoying is that! Can you imagine feeling really urgent, then you finally reach a toilet, then you pee... AND YOU STILL FEEL URGENT. omg. repeat x 100 AND YOU STILL FEEL URGENT.

Damn sian can! And some people are actually able to think 'oh I am dreaming' and maybe can force themselves to wake up somehow but I can almost never do that! I think i've only done it like 0.5% of the time before. So I'm caught in the neverending cycle of peeing-with-no-effect-of-relief until my body clock decides to wake me up.

Ok I had a second dream and i tried to remember it but I forgot it now. It's hard to remember dreams! Try it!

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